Privacy Policy

Last updated October 22, 2022

By choosing to use our Service You: (I) agree to the use of information in relation to this Privacy Policy, (II) warrant and guarantee that You are over 16 years of age (or are a parent or guardian with such authority to agree to this Privacy Policy for the benefit of an individual under 16 years of age). Please do not use the Service or access the services provided by it if You do not agree to this Privacy Policy.

What kind of information do we collect?

We may collect information that can identify You, such as Your name and email address (“Personal Information”), and other information that does not directly identify You, as listed below.

Information You provide

full name and surname, email address, gender, date of birth, height, weight, target weight and target zones, fitness level. We may collect and store the above-mentioned information when You register and use the Service or provide it to us in some other manner, for example by corresponding with us (by email or chat, for instance) when You report a problem with the Service or when You subscribe to any of our services, or search for a service;

Note: Information about a third party

When You provide us with information about a third party, You must have the consent of that third party before providing us with that information. By providing us with information regarding a third party You warrant that You have their permission to provide that information to us.

Information collected automatically

Device information that may include information specific to Your mobile device (e.g., OS version, hardware model, unique device identifier, mobile network information); information about Your logging in, use of features, functions, or notifications on the device. We also collect and use Your Apple Identifier for Advertising (IDFA) and Google Advertising ID (AAID) to recognize Your device and support advertising activities on our Services. These number values are not permanently tied to Your device and, depending on Your operating system, You can reset it through Your device settings.

Usage information: Your user account registration date and time, information about the use of the Service, such as frequency of use, engagement with particular features, which sections of the Service user visits and Your common use patterns, information on engagement with emails and/or notifications.
Location: IP address, time zone, mobile service provider.

If You purchase the access to or otherwise use the Service through the Website, we may additionally collect the following data:

Transaction data: when You make payments through the Website, You need to provide financial account data, such as Your credit card number, billing and residence address, to our third-party service providers. We do not collect or store full credit card number data, though we may receive credit card-related data, data about the transaction, including: date, time and amount of the transaction, the type of payment method used, payment transaction identification number.

Cookies. We may use cookies in a range of ways to improve the Your experience on the Website, including understanding how You use the Website and approving Your Website usage experience.

Cookies are text files placed on the computer to collect standard Internet log information and visitor's behavior information. When the You visit the Website, we may collect information from You automatically through cookies or similar technology. For further information, visit

There are a number of different types of cookies, however, the Website uses the following:

Functionality – we may use these cookies to recognize You on our Website and remember Your previously selected preferences. These could include what language You prefer and location You are in. A mix of first-party and third-party cookies are used.
Activity – we use these cookies to collect information about the Your visit to the Website, the content You viewed, the links You followed and information about Your browser, device, and IP address.

Most browsers accept cookies automatically. If You want to prevent cookies from being saved, you can select the ‘Accept no cookies’ option in Your browser settings. To find out exactly how this works, You can consult Your browser manufacturer’s instructions. You can delete cookies that have already been saved on Your computer at any time. However, in a few cases, some of the Website features may not function as a result.

What do we collect this information for?

enhancing Your user experience on our Service by operating, maintaining, and providing You with all of the content and features of the Service (“maintaining Service functionality purposes”);
managing Your account and providing You with customer support. We may use Your Personal Information to respond to Your requests for technical support, Service information or to any other    communication You initiate (“customer support purposes”);
performing research and analysis about Your use of, or interest in, our products, services or content, or products, services or content offered by others (“analytics purposes”);
communicating with You via push notifications, reminders about our Service, Service updates and relevant to Service information. You can opt out of receiving push notifications by changing the settings on Your device or in Your browser;
developing and providing content and advertising tailored to Your interests on our Service and other third party services (“marketing purposes”);
arranging of advertizing campaigns, analysis of advertizing campaigns effectiveness ("marketing purposes") to the extent permitted by the law;
detecting and resolving any fraud or other illegal or undesirable user behavior;
taking legally-required actions.

As regards emails, during in-app registration/onboarding process we may ask you to login into the app based on the email in order to create account/save your progress. In this regard, we will process your email data because we need to perform a contract with you.

In addition to above, we may also use your email address to verify whether such email is correct; let you know about important updates to our terms and policies; communicate with you about our Service or similar products that might be of interest for you, ask for your feedback. Should you opt-in (or we are allowed based on your country laws), we may also send you other marketing communications, such as product updates, offers, discounts, and provide news and information that we think will be of interest to you. All email communications are performed based on our legitimate interest.

Please note that when we process your email data on the bases of legitimate interests for direct marketing purposes, you have an unrestricted right to object to the processing; this also applies to matching and attribution. Should you wish to exercise your right to object, please email us via any of the contact options available below.

With respect to Your purchase of the access to the Service through the Website, Your information may be collected to process Your payments as described in detail below.

We provide paid Content (as defined in the Terms of Use) within the Service. For this purpose, we use third-party services for payment processing (for example, payment processors). As a result of this processing, You will be able to make a payment for the Content and we will be notified that the payment has been made and either completed or not completed.

We will not store or collect Your payment card details ourselves. This information will be provided directly to our third-party payment processors, referred to in the next section. Our payment processors adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council. Payment processors who follow PCI-DSS requirements are committed to ensuring the secure handling of payment information.

With whom and what do we share this information for and how may we disclose it?

Service Providers

We may share Your Personal Information with third parties that perform certain services on our behalf, such as our authorized service providers or analytics providers. In general, the third-party providers engaged by us will only collect, use and disclose Your information to the extent necessary to allow them to perform the services they provide to us, e.g. facilitating our Service, arranging marketing campaigns on Our behalf and analyzing how our Service is used.

You can learn more about main service providers with whom we may share Your Personal Information as described above hereunder, along with links to such service providers’ privacy policies, which we recommend You read, depending on whether You use the Website or the App.

Service Providers as to the Website

1. AppsFlyer

We use AppsFlyer for analytics purposes, specifically for research and analysis of users interaction with the Website. Appsflyer helps us to understand, in particular, how users find our Website (for example, which advertiser served an ad that led You to our Website). Appsflyer also provides us with different analytics tools that enable us to research and analyze Your use of the Service.

In order to receive these services from Appsflyer, we share such data as:

    Device type and model, CPU, system language, memory, OS version, Wi-Fi status, time stamp and zone, device motion parameters and carrier (“Technical Information”);
    IP address (which may also provide general location information), user agent, Google Advertiser ID and other similar unique identifiers (“Technical Identifiers”).

Please read AppsFlyer privacy policy regarding its collection and use of data in order to perform services for us, available at Please note that You may cancel collection of Your Personal Information for and sharing it with AppsFlyer here:

2. Crashlytics (powered by Google Ireland Limited, with offices at Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland)

Crashlytics is a monitoring service provided by Google, which helps us to oversee infrastructure and Website performance, specifically we analyze Website crashes, reasons for such crashes and ways to avoid the crashes.
You can learn more about the Crashlytics Privacy Policy here:

3. Facebook Pixel (if data processing concerns EU, UK citizens and certain other jurisdictions: by Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland; for processing of data originating from other jurisdictions: Facebook, Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA)

The Facebook pixel is an analytics tool that allows us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising by understanding the actions the users take within the Service. Facebook may collect or receive information from our Product and use that information to provide measurement services and targeted ads.

Please mind that you may opt-out of the collection and use of information for ad targeting. Options you may use in order to opt-out, are described below in this Privacy Policy. Some of the and mechanisms for exercising the choice to opt out are via the links: and

4. Google Analytics/Google Optimize

In order to keep the content of the Web-site up-to-date, user-oriented and complete, we use Google Analytics and Google Optimize, web-analytics tools which enable us to optimize our services, including advertising, to Your needs. We transfer certain data, related to You, to mentioned services, however such data is anonymized, i.e. Google Analytics/Google Optimize shall not be able to identify You based on the data they are going to have access to.

You can learn more about the Google Analytics Privacy Policy


5. Advertising services providers

We engage certain third-party service providers in order to help us spread the word about the Service and help the Service reach its potential users through reports and insights on how to optimize our promotional campaigns. For these providers, we recommend that You read their privacy policies so You can understand the manner in which Your Personal Information will be handled by these providers:

    Snapchat (;
    Pinterest (;
    Twitter (;
    Google AdWords (;
    TikTok (
Payment services providers

Certain third-party service providers, such as payment gateways and other payment transaction processors, have their own privacy policies with respect to the information we are required to provide to them for Your purchase-related transactions. For these providers, we recommend that You read their privacy policies so You can understand the manner in which Your Personal Information will be handled by these providers:

    PayPal Holdings, Inc. (

Service Providers as to the App

1. AppsFlyer

We use AppsFlyer for analytics and marketing purposes as described herein above.

As for analytics purposes, Appsflyer helps us to understand, in particular, how users find our App (for example, which advertiser had delivered an ad that led You to our App in App store). Appsflyer also provides us with different analytics tools that enable us to research and analyze Your use of the Service.

As for marketing purposes, Appsflyer helps us to tailor our and third parties ads to Your interests and show the relevant ads to You.

In order to receive those services from Appsflyer, we share such data as:

    device type and model, CPU, system language, memory, OS version, Wi-Fi status, time stamp and zone, device motion parameters and carrier (“Technical Information”);
    IP address (which may also provide general location information), User agent, IDFA (Apple identifier for advertisers), Google Advertiser ID and other similar unique identifiers (“Technical Identifiers”);
    information relating to our ad campaigns and Your actions in the App, such as: clicks on the ads, ad impressions viewed, the URL from the referring website, downloads and installations of Applications, and other interactions, events and actions, such as add to cart, in-app purchases made, clicks, engagement time etc. (“Engagement Information”).

Please read AppsFlyer privacy policy regarding its collection and use of data in order to perform services for us, available at , to acknowledge how AppsFlyer operates Your Personal Information. Please note that You may cancel collection of Your Personal Information for and sharing it with AppsFlyer using this link:

2. Facebook

We use Facebook for analytics and marketing purposes as described herein above. As for analytics purposes, we use an instrument called Facebook Analytics from which we get, in particular, aggregated demographics and insights on how many people launch our app, how often users make purchases and other interactions.

As for marketing purposes, we use instruments such asFacebook Ads Manager.

In order to receive those services from Facebook, we share such data as:

    Explicit events - information from events that we explicitly configure the Application to send, such as "AddtoBasket" or "logPurchase", along with any additional parameters provided.
    Implicit events - information from events that are logged implicitly, if we choose to make use of other features of the Facebook SDK, such as integration with Facebook Login or the "Like" button.
    Automatically logged events - basic interactions in the Application (e.g., Application installs, Application launches) that are collected automatically.
    Facebook app ID - a unique identifier provided by Facebook to reference our website and Application.
    Mobile advertiser ID - the iOS IDFA (Apple identifier for advertisers).
    Technical Information and Identifiers - the mobile OS type and version, Application name, Application version, the device opt-out setting, Your user agent string and IP address, along with the following device related metrics: time zone, device OS, device model, carrier, screen size, processor cores, total disk space, remaining disk space.

Please read Facebook privacy policy regarding its collection and use of data in order to perform services for us, available at,, to acknowledge how Facebook operates with Your Personal Information. Please note that You may choose which ads in particular to receive (or not to) via Facebook by visiting the following link: .

3. Firebase

We use a number of Firebase services with different levels of access to your data. Please see below the details:

    Firebase Cloud Messaging (powered by Google Ireland Limited, with offices at Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland)

We use Google-powered service Firebase Cloud Messaging in order to deliver in-app messages (notifications or data messages) which may be of interest for you, as well as analyse effectiveness of such in-app messages, check their delivery status so that such messages are as relevant as possible (through Firebase Analytics).

    Firebase Crashlytics (powered by Google Ireland Limited, with offices at Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland)

Firebase Crashlytics is a Google Firebase service, which allows us to track application performance, i.e. we can discover the causes and severity of crashes in our App.

In order to provide the services, Crashlytics collects your device-related and App-interaction data, such as the timestamp of when the crash occurred, technical characteristics of particular crash and your device characteristics etc. Crashlytics shall not use collected data otherwise as to App-related purposes.

    Firebase Remote Config (powered by Google LLC, with offices at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, United States)

We use Firebase Remote Config in order to change the behavior and appearance of Our app on the fly. Generally, only Firebase installation IDs are shared with regard to Firebase Remote Config.

Should you with to understand further how Google (Firebase) generally uses the data transferred from our App, please follow the links: and

    Google Analytics for Firebase (powered by Google Ireland Limited, with offices at Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland)

As to iOS devices, we use Google Analytics for Firebase in order to assess app performace/minimize crashes, as well to assess effectiveness of messaging campaigns in complex with Firebase Crashlytics and Firebase Cloud Messaging respectively. User-related data transferred with regard to mentioned processing may include characteristics of your device, advertizing identifier, app store, device’s language, OS version, your age, interactions with notifications, data messages, status of messages delivery etc, subscription status and some other data.

For Android devices, we use Google Analytics for Firebase not only to assess app performace/minimize crashes and access messaging campaigns efectiveness, but also to assess effectiveness of our advertizing camplaigns. In this regards, we may share/receive some of your additional data with/from Google, for example your Android Advertizing Identifier, IP address, fact of purchase, interactions with ads.

Generally, within Google Analytics for Firebase service, Google only processes data based on our instructions, therefore, shall not use the data for its own, not related to described above, purposes.

6. Front (FrontApp, Inc., 1455 Market Street, 19th Floor, San Franisco, CA 94103)

In order to provide you with swift and smooth customer support we use Front - software allowing us to optimise users' and customer support's conversations. In this regard, Front receives and stores copies of all data related to your customer support requests, such as emails, purchase details, feedback etc.

7. Facebook Conversion API (if data processing concerns EU, UK citizens and certain other jurisdictions: by Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland; for processing of data originating from other jurisdictions: Facebook, Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA)

We use Facebook Conversion API in order to maximise effectiveness of our marketing/advertising campaigns, measurement services and targeted ads. At that, Facebook may collect or receive certain information from the App, for example, information on your interaction within the App.

Law enforcement agencies and other public authorities

We may use and disclose personal data to enforce our Terms of Use, which can be found here:, to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, and/or that of our affiliates, you or others, and to respond to requests from courts, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies, and other public and government authorities, or in other cases provided for by law.

Third parties as part of a merger or acquisition

As we develop our business, we may buy or sell assets or business offerings. Information on customers is generally one of the transferred business assets in these types of transactions. We may also share such information with any affiliated entity (e.g. parent company or subsidiary) and may transfer such information in the course of a corporate transaction, such as the sale of our business, a divestiture, merger, consolidation, or asset sale, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.

International Data Transfers

Please note that our business is global, so when You provide Personal Information through our Service, the information may be sent to servers located in different countries around the world.

How You Can Access Your Information

You can make a request to erase Your Personal Information through the ‘Settings’ menu of the Service. Please note that it may affect the Services provided, and You will not be able to use the full scope of the Services. When we delete any information, it will be deleted from the active database, but it may remain in our archives due to legal obligations. Should You require the deletion of such Personal Information from our archives, please contact us at the email specified in section “Contact Us” below. Please note that we may be required to keep such information in our archives and not delete it (or to keep this information for a certain time, in which case we will comply with Your deletion request only after we have fulfilled such requirements). Please also note that the erasing of Your Personal Information does not mean the automatic cancellation of Your subscription purchased via the App or the Website or refund of Your payments.

You can make a request to receive the Personal Information related to You through the ‘Settings’ menu of the Service. Should You make such a request, You will be required to provide us with an email address, which we would be able to send Your Personal Information to. Please note that You confirm and guarantee that the email address You provide to us in order to receive Your Personal Information shall belong to You and You shall be solely responsible for its correctness and validity and therefore we shall in any case not be liable for any breach of Your Personal Information due to sending it to that email address.

If You reside in the European Economic Area You may object to the processing of Personal Information concerning You for marketing purposes by contacting us at the email specified in section “Contact Us” below and the related Personal Information shall no longer be processed for such purposes.

Please note that You may also opt out from collection of Your data for marketing and advertising purposes not only via our App, but also on Your entire device using:

1) Your device settings

iOS: go to “Settings” ->” “Privacy” -> ” “Advertising” -> ” “Limit Ad Track”. You may additionally reset Your advertising identifier (this also may help You to see less of personalized ads) in the same section.

Android: for Android 6.0 and higher – go to “Settings” -> “Google” -> “Ads” ->”Opt out of interest-based ads”. For Android 5.2 and lower, use Google Settings app -> “Ads” -> ”Opt out of interest-based ads”.

You may additionally reset Your advertising identifier (this also may help You to see less of personalized ads) in the same section.

2) and links below:

• Network Advertising Initiative –
• Digital Advertising Alliance –
• Digital Advertising Alliance (Canada) –
• Digital Advertising Alliance (EU) –
• DAA AppChoices page –

Please note that the result of such objection or cancellation may affect the process of the Services improvement. However, You would still be able to use the App.

If You think that the Personal Information related to You is inaccurate, but You can’t rectify it as described above, You may contact us at the email specified in section “Contact Us” below to restrict the processing of such data for the period of time we need to verify the accuracy of the Personal Information, which we will inform You of.

As to the App, You can stop all collection of information by the Application by uninstalling the Application from Your mobile device. You may use the standard uninstall processes as may be available as part of Your mobile device or via the Application marketplace or network.
How We Secure Your information

Security is our highest priority. Our App has been designed with Your security and privacy in mind.

    We protect the security of Your information by using encryption protocols and software;
    We aggregate and pseudonymize all of the users’ Personal Information;
    We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in connection with the collection, storage and disclosure of Personal Information;
    We employ Personal Information systematic backups, which are intended to reduce the risk from disk crashes and errors, such as accidental information deletion.

While we cannot ensure or guarantee that loss, misuse or alteration of information will never occur, we make all reasonable efforts to prevent it. However, You should bear in mind that submission of information over the internet is never entirely secure.

Please note that we do not collect and we are not responsible for the collection or security of Your payment details.
Children’s Privacy

This Service does not address anyone under the age of 16. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 16. If we discover that a child under 16 has provided us with Personal Information, we shall take steps to delete such information and terminate the child’s account. If You are a parent or a guardian and You are aware that Your child has provided us with Personal Information, please contact us so that we will be able to take the necessary actions.

We will retain Your information for as long (i) as You have an account with the Service, or (ii) as the App is installed on Your mobile device, or (iii) as needed to provide You with our Service. We will also retain and use Your information, including copies of Your information, as necessary to comply with our legal obligations (including for tax and accounting purposes), resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, You are advised to check our Service occasionally to inform Yourself of any changes. We will notify You of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page. Your continued use of the Service after changes to the Privacy Policy have been posted will constitute Your acceptance of such changes.

Contact Us

Please submit any questions, concerns or comments You have about this Privacy Policy or any requests concerning Your Personal Information via the following site: